The 12th X-IFU Consortium Meeting (CM12) took place this week, from 2nd to 6th of November, 2020. Due to the current pandemic, this meeting was held, once again, virtually.
It was a very well attended meeting. For this second edition in a virtual setting, a total of 215 members registered and over 150 simultaneous participants gathered during the first session.
The schedule followed a usual mix of presentations from different members of the Consortium, a representative of the Wide Field Imager Consortium, as well as from the Athena team at ESA. In their talks, all speakers showed the unique and impressive skills of the team, the progresses made, and the many challenges ahead.
Vincent Albouys, X-IFU Project Manager said:
“The instrument design has made many progresses during the last months. We have a permanent objective of simplifying the instrument while keeping performances unchanged”.
In addition, participants welcomed a special guest speaker, Dr Céline Guivarch, a senior researcher at CIRED. She was invited as part of our on-going efforts to raise awareness about the environmental challenges the world is facing. Her highly inspiring talk focused on Climate change and inequality, and she also shared some useful suggestions for actions.
Lastly, to encourage interactivity, a Slack workspace was introduced for this CM which helped continue some of the discussions outside of the sessions. Virtual settings continually motivate us to test new ways of collaborating.
Thank you very much to all the participants, speakers, and chairs of this CM12.
The X-IFU team would never miss an opportunity to take its group picture