For educators

Find educational tools and resources about X-ray astronomy

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This page provides educational tools and resources about X-ray astronomy. We will keep it updated with new content, so come have a look once in a while! If you have a question regarding the material offered on this page or would like to make a suggestion, feel free to contact us.


Jeu de 7 familles

Le jeu de 7 familles de l’Univers chaud et énergétique

Âge: à partir de 14 ans
Joueurs: entre 3 et 5
Langue: Français
Ce jeu de médiation scientifique a pour objectif de faire découvrir de façon accessible X-IFU, les objectifs scientifiques autour du projet et les métiers nécessaires à sa réalisation.

Télécharger le jeu !

Télécharger le kit pédagogique

Athena Board Game

The Athena Board Game

Age: 12+
Players: 2-6 players
Languages: English, French, German, Spanish
This board game was developed by X-IFU Consortium member Yael Nazé, with the support of IRAP. It aims to explain how the NewAthena observatory, and its two instruments X-IFU and WFI, will solve key scientific questions. Players will take on the role of a scientist, from the submission of a science proposal to the publications of the results.

Get the Athena Board Game


Other Resources

  • The European Space Agency has many resources available for kids on their website. Visit the ESA website
  • Claxson: This citizen science website allows you to identify objects that were observed in the X-ray sky with ESA’s XMM-Newton. This might be your chance to discover a new supermassive black hole! Visit Claxson’s website

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