A brand-new video about the X-IFU (X-ray Integral Field Unit) is now available. You will discover the heart of the instrument: its X-ray detection chain.
This new video about the X-IFU is a deep dive into the heart of the instrument. For about two minutes, discover the X-IFU’s detection chain: from the collection of photons by the mirror of the telescope to the data sent back to Earth. The video will reveal the many elements that form the detection chain and are all necessary for the instrument to accomplish all its promises.
The engineers and researchers of the X-IFU consortium are currently developing the innovative technologies used in the detection chain. Thanks to their skills and expertise, the X-IFU will measure the energy of each photon with unprecedented accuracy. This will enable astrophysicists to explore the regions from which the X-ray are emitted, providing, for instance, breakthrough information about the formation and evolution of the large structures of matter observed in the Universe.
This video comes at a time when the X-IFU Consortium is cruising through the preliminary definition phase of the instrument, a key step in the development of the X-IFU.
We would like to give special thanks for their valuable contributions and feedback to our colleagues from IRAP, APC Laboratory, CNES, Goddard, NIST, and SRON.
A first video introducing the X-IFU was released last year, you can watch it here: https://youtu.be/KU9djJsk-1k
The new video is available in English and French, with subtitles currently in English, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Japanese, and Spanish.